MSOE's Math and Actuarial Science Club thanks you immensely for all your support and the money we were able to raise for our program through hosting this event. You are our past and our future and together we all make a better future for aspiring actuaries.

Thank you!

Actuarial Science Alumni Event

Actuarial Science Alumni Event Image
Raised toward our $3,000 Goal
16 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 15, at 11:59 PM CDT
Project Owners

Help our AS Students Succeed Through Their Preliminary Actuary Exams

For the past few years, Northwestern Mutual has generously sponsored the Exam Reimbursement Fund in recognition of our outstanding actuarial science program at MSOE. This fund covers the cost of each student's first exam, which, as every actuary knows, can add up quickly. As the actuarial science program matures and expands, our goal is to ensure we continue to remove barriers and support student success. By expanding the funding base for the Exam Reimbursement Fund, students will confidently know they have access to financial resources along their journey. Additionally, the Math and Actuarial Science Club (MASC) hopes to offer an MSOE actuarial science scholarship in the future to support even more students in need. 

Our current fundraising goal of $3,000 is set to match the award from our partners at Northwestern Mutual. All proceeds raised through direct donations and event fundraising activities will go directly towards the Exam Reimbursement Fund. Your support will help to ease the financial stress of exam fees for our actuarial science students, allowing us more time to focus on studying for the exams themselves. 

Thank you for you consideration and we hope to see you at our actuarial science alumni event on September 24th. 

Mary (Allie) Ladwig - MASC President

Owen A Podziemski - MASC VP of Communications and Alumni Relations

Dr. Won Chul Song - MASC Club Advisor and AS Teacher

Dr. Yvonne Yaz - MSOE Actuarial Science Program Director

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